Legacy Code is a state of mind; Know how to deal with it without creating problems for future developers

Reading Time: < 1 minute Legacy code – The Unanimous Scapegoat in an Engineer’s life The Definition It’s a code written to perform a certain task / operation / function / executable file / feature / technology / version / product at a given time with given resources / technology / requirements / constraints / leadership / vision in limited … Read more Legacy Code is a state of mind; Know how to deal with it without creating problems for future developers

How restart is the solution to most of our problems

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Trusted Option For an Engineer, the most reliable and trusted fallback option when doing anything is called Restart. This was an awesome innovation. Here are few examples and scenarios confirming the same. The Trigger point I believe you had the opportunity to see the computers of last couple of decades especially early 1990. You … Read more How restart is the solution to most of our problems